This is my blog where I will be trying to keep up with my goal of taking a picture a day and writing something small about it. I really want to do this so that I can capture the small everyday things in our life. It's these cute things about my kids and our daily life that I really want to remember.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Sick Day

Sick mama = Pizza for dinner. I really thought I was getting better until today and this cold hit me hard. Thankfully both kids took a nap around the same time so I was able to as well.


Emily said...

Oh no! It seems like everyone's getting sick right now. That's no fun. I'm glad you were able to take a nap though.

Lyssa Beth said...

Oh what I would have done for that everyday this week! I am trying to get better too. Being sick with kids is such a drag!
I love this idea of pictures. It's a great idea.

Baby Boomer Grammy said...

Hope you feel better soon!