This is my blog where I will be trying to keep up with my goal of taking a picture a day and writing something small about it. I really want to do this so that I can capture the small everyday things in our life. It's these cute things about my kids and our daily life that I really want to remember.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Little Helper

Colby loves to help me and I love it when he helps. I don't have to bend over and shove clothes in the washer! It's the perfect height for him. It's so cute to watch him using all his might to push the clothes in so they don't come tumbling out onto him.

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

Oh my gosh, what a face! He is just too cute!

I love when my kids help and even though it takes longer to get some chores done, I don't mind. I think it helps kids to feel like they're contributing. I always makes sure to give a good sincere "thank you" when they're done. I want my kids to know that we all have work to do, but that doesn't mean it has to suck! Right!?

Colby is darn cute! And apparently a great little helper.