This is my blog where I will be trying to keep up with my goal of taking a picture a day and writing something small about it. I really want to do this so that I can capture the small everyday things in our life. It's these cute things about my kids and our daily life that I really want to remember.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Big Snow

For the past two days it has been snowing. Today it finally cleared and was sunny, but it was way too cold. Mark and Colby went out to play but only for about 10 min. I think it snowed at least a foot, maybe more. Friday evening I took Colby and Akira out to play while Saige was napping. They were having a blast. Even though it was still snowing, I knew it would be warmer than it was today. Also on Thursday I took both of them out for a little bit. It was Saige's first time in the snow, but she was not impressed. She sat there for a minute then just wanted me to pick her up.

1 comment:

JoEllen said...

Ohhhhhh, this is such a pretty picture!!